
ReadOnlyList and runtime errors

Compile vs runtime error occurs with readonly lists


Setting readonly variable using init

Readonly variable can be set using an init only setter


c# (255) .net (255) entityframework (20) ef (17) attribute (13) .net7 (12) sql (10) array (9) performance (9) string (9) roslyn (8) efcore (8) visualstudio (8) dictionary (7) task (7) linq (7) exception (6) list (6) api (6) entity framework (6) tuple (5) constructor (5) enum (5) iteration (5) DI (5) dependencyinjection (5) switch (5) minimalapi (5) ienumerable (5) codefix (5) code fix (5) analyser (5) analyzer (5) guide (5) analyzer-series (5) sourcegenerator (4) async (4) lambda (4) cache (4) lazy (4) interpolation (4) json (4) property (4) C#11 (4) configuration (4) indexer (4) anonymous (4) interface (3) await (3) foreach (3) endpoint (3) collection (3) operator (3) middleware (3) filter (3) flags (3) parallel (3) entityframeworkcore (3) func (3) .net6 (3) efcore6 (3) logging (3) generics (2) delay (2) count (2) length (2) generic (2) conversion (2) cancellation (2) null (2) controller (2) attributes (2) .net8 (2) http (2) query (2) unsafe (2) loop (2) groupby (2) context (2) dynamic (2) distributed (2) datetime (2) delete (2) select (2) init (2) initialization (2) local (2) implicit (2) index (2) new (2) separator (2) jagged (2) querystring (2) pooling (2) sort (2) readonly (2) parameters (2) bulk (2) literals (2) minimal (2) sqlserver (2) nameof (2) disposable (2) idisposable (2) global (2) parameter (2) patternmatching (2) schedule (2) contenttype (2) unittest (2) dbcontext (2) vs (2) database (2) tsql (2) guid (2) action (2) debugging (2) enumeration (2) static (2) goto (2) private (2) concurrentdictionary (2) lock (2) function (2) with (2) syntax (2) methods (2) invoke (2) injection (2) dependency (2) generator (2) extend (2) using (2) github (2) toolkit (1) sourcegeneratortoolkit (1) extensionmethod (1) extension (1) wrapup (1) unmapped (1) arraypool (1) expressionbody (1) comparer (1) ignorecase (1) methodgroup (1) accuracy (1) any (1) all (1) elide (1) name (1) linkgenerator (1) iparseable (1) bind (1) sql2022 (1) distinct (1) mvc (1) startup (1) distinctby (1) stopwatch (1) benchmark (1) converter (1) helpers (1) convention (1) holliday (1) break (1) frozen (1) httpmethod (1) tag (1) ef7 (1) unreachable (1) bytes (1) memory (1) allocated (1) parseable (1) warning (1) compiler (1) featureflag (1) short (1) nullcoalescing (1) associativity (1) preview (1) distributedcache (1) months (1) convert (1) localfunction (1) pattern (1) builder (1) compare (1) comparison (1) add (1) addrange (1) localization (1) targettype (1) capacity (1) record (1) primitive (1) path (1) coalesce (1) lookup (1) tolookup (1) swagger (1) xml (1) documentation (1) filemodifier (1) dataprotector (1) protect (1) math (1) headers (1) binding (1) deserialization (1) utf8jsonreader (1) memorycache (1) statistics (1) newtonsoft (1) jsonconvert (1) datetimeoffset (1) object (1) objectpool (1) httpstatus (1) statuscode (1) type (1) format (1) app (1) run (1) map (1) server (1) addresses (1) features (1) token (1) aot (1) aheadoftime (1) typed (1) stronglytyped (1) expando (1) propertychanged (1) update (1) startupfilter (1) istartupfilter (1) commandline (1) mapping (1) switchmappping (1) taskcompletionsource (1) handler (1) C11 (1) stringliterals (1) lifetime (1) applicationlifetime (1) yield (1) iasyncenumerble (1) struct (1) defaults (1) correlation (1) activity (1) default (1) waitfor (1) formatting (1) outputcache (1) ping (1) ratelimiter (1) ratelimiting (1) iqueryable (1) namespace (1) out (1) delimit (1) arraysegment (1) routehandler (1) virtual (1) polymorphism (1) cast (1) typeof (1) bit (1) enumerable (1) redis (1) messaging (1) pubsub (1) keywords (1) options (1) create (1) interop (1) os (1) over (1) blog (1) hashicorp (1) vault (1) beginner (1) timer (1) interval (1) alignment (1) activatorutilities (1) in (1) modifier (1) deconstruct (1) host (1) required (1) iconfiguration (1) wildcard (1) equality (1) equals (1) testing (1) protected (1) maybenullwhen (1) initializer (1) lowing (1) forloop (1) typeconversion (1) debug (1) config (1) pagination (1) keyset (1) for (1) css (1) html (1) destruct (1) currying (1) layout (1) expandobject (1) tryaddenumerable (1) binary (1) hexadecimal (1) newid (1) nullable (1) chaining (1) xmlcomments (1) collections (1) insert (1) aspnetcore (1) route (1) first (1) single (1) merge (1) snippet (1) temporary (1) files (1) inference (1) integers (1) biginteger (1) selection (1) checked (1) unchecked (1) overflow (1) deterministic (1) directives (1) breakpoint (1) exceptiondispatchinfo (1) failfast (1) finally (1) sealed (1) throw (1) expressions (1) queryfilter (1) interning (1) linebreak (1) coalescing (1) main (1) execution (1) accessing (1) partitioner (1) listpattern (1) slicepattern (1) thread (1) readerwriter (1) atomic (1) interlocked (1) linkedlist (1) conditional (1) numeric (1) check (1) is (1) covariance (1) contravariance (1) offset (1) fetch (1) closure (1) method (1) underscore (1) validity (1) expression (1) switchexpression (1) ducktyping (1) loading (1) debugger (1) display (1) debuggerdisplay (1) tostring (1) delegate (1) incremental (1) incrementalgenerator (1) getenumerator (1) optional (1) system.text.json (1) notifications (1) column (1) order (1) columnorder (1) interceptor (1) interceptors (1) entitytypeconfiguration (1) gc (1) garbagecollection (1) garbage (1) wait (1) directive (1) when (1) metadata (1) call stack (1) channel (1) queue (1) producer (1) consumer (1) deploy (1) scheduler (1) cron (1) valuetuple (1) dailydrop (1) ioptions (1) ioptionssnapshot (1) ioptionsmonitor (1) optionspattern (1) records (1) ILogger (1) structuredlogging (1) serilog (1) structured (1) logger (1) git (1) gitflow (1) githubflow (1) workflow (1) azuredevops (1) nuget (1) devops (1) package (1) symbol (1) symbolserver (1) sourcelink (1) dbset (1) dependency injection (1) rollcall (1) transient (1) singleton (1) scoped (1) multiple implementation (1) implementation (1) multiple (1) ide (1) productivity (1)