HashiCorp Vault with C#

A step by step guide to integrating into HashiCorp vault with C#

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The requirement was very simple (or so I thought) - create a locally running HashiCorp Vault instance, setup a simple C# client to connect to the vault, and get an understanding how how the Vault operates. At almost every step of the process I ran into issue - which lead me to putting together this guide.

This guide will go through step by step:

  • How to configure the Vault for local development
  • Connect to the Vault using VaultSharp
  • Connect to the Vault using the REST api

This is a long guide, but will go through each aspect step by step and by the end you should have an up and running local Vault instance, and be able to connect via the CLI, the C# VaultSharp library as well as the HTTP API using C#.


So why did I struggle at almost every step, and why did I feel this guide could help?

  • Documentation is inaccurate: Sometimes the guide and sample code snippets are just inaccurate or don't work. Some manual correction is required
  • Documentation is incomplete: In some cases it was difficult to track down comprehensive documentation on what I was trying to perform. If there was documentation, it sometimes didn't adequately
  • VaultSharp has missing functionality: This is not a criticism of the great work done by the contributors to this free library, but there is some functionality available via the Vault CLI, not available via VaultSharp (if it is is available, I could not find it, or documentation of it anywhere)
  • Few C# REST api examples available: This wasn't the biggest issue, but it did take a few attempts to get the C# HttpClient to successfully perform operations on the Vault. This was mostly down to having to translate the working curl and CLI examples into C# http requests.

HashiCorp Vault

In short, HashiCorp Vault (also referred to as the Vault in the rest of this post) allows for secure, store and tightly control access to tokens, passwords, certificates, encryption keys for protecting secrets and other sensitive data using a UI, CLI, or HTTP API.

There are other key vaults available on the market (Azure Key Vault, AWS KMS, GCP KMS) - but Hashicorp Vault is the defacto standard.

In this post we'll explore accessing the Vault using all three methods - the UI, CLI and HTTP api.


The guide below was written on a machine running Windows 11, so the requirements mentioned below will differ if working on another OS.

  • HashiCorp Vault download: The exe is available here and is a requirement for this guide. This executable serves two purposes:

    • Allows for a dev instance of the Vault server to be run
    • Serves as a CLI tool to connect to the Vault server instance

    Once downloaded, is is recommended (but not required) making the Vault binary available on the PATH (so it can be executed from any directory when working in the command prompt/Powershell). The steps to perform this are available here.

  • Docker Desktop: This is not a requirement, as the Vault server can be run from the above mentioned download. However the guide also covers running a container instance of the Vault and if using this method then Docker Desktop (or similar) is require to be installed.

Vault Startup

The below guides will demonstrate how to get a Vault instance up and running - it will not go into detail on persisting the Vault information to a permanent store. This guide is primarily aimed at getting a Vault up and running for development purposes.


This is by far the easiest method to get an instance of the Vault up and running. This is not the route I initially took, as I was interested in getting the container version up and running - however I highly recommend this as a starting point if te goal is to just get a working, integrated sample up and running.

To stand a Vault Server instance, from either the Command Prompt or PowerShell, execute the following:

vault server -dev

The output should look something like this:

WARNING! dev mode is enabled! In this mode, Vault runs entirely in-memory
and starts unsealed with a single unseal key. The root token is already
authenticated to the CLI, so you can immediately begin using Vault.

You may need to set the following environment variable:

    set VAULT_ADDR=

The unseal key and root token are displayed below in case you want to
seal/unseal the Vault or re-authenticate.

Unseal Key: ANYzmKrmlp3eO4skaJFjmhKE2dEVLzbKSxecR+XGb0o=
Root Token: hvs.9kouFib30HrpNSxDWTCzmczk

Development mode should NOT be used in production installations!

The Vault instance should now be available by browsing to, and you should be able to login using the Root Token provided in the output.

Keep in mind, this instance does NOT use any persistent storage, and if the server is stopped (by closing the prompt, or pressing Ctrl-C) then any information saved to the Vault will be lost.


Trying to get a Docker version of the Vault up and running proved trickier than I thought or expected it to be. All of the below attempts were executed with the Windows version of Docker Desktop installed, configured to use Linux containers.

  • Attempt 1:

    The Vault page on DockerHub gives the below command as an example for running the vault with a completely in-memory server:

    docker run --cap-add=IPC_LOCK -e 'VAULT_DEV_ROOT_TOKEN_ID=myroot' -e 'VAULT_DEV_LISTEN_ADDRESS=' vault

    While this command did successfully startup a Vault container instance, no ports were exposed, so the vault URL wasn't accessible (or if it was, I couldn't figure it out). At this point I probably should have explored how to expose the ports - but I did not, I was hoping to find something that just worked.

  • Attempt 2:

    While reading through the various documentation, I had also came across this official using HashiCorp Vault C# client with .NET Core Guide which contained a link to a Vault Guide repository. As part of the guide and repository is a demo_setup.sh file. Exactly what I needed! (or so I thought)

    However, executing the demo_setup.sh script, resulted in ...nothing. No error messages, but also no positive responses from the prompt. Looking at the contents of the script, a docker-compose is invoked.

    I tried running the docker-compose independently which resulted in ...a timeout. The docker-compose tries to startup and instance of Vault and MS SQL Server (for persistent storage) - however the it seems like the MS SQL Server image in the docker-compose is no longer valid.

  • Successful Attempt:

    For development purposes, I didn't need a persistent store, so the sample docker-compose.yml was modified, removing the requirement for the MS SQL database.

    The result was this docker-compose.yml:

    version: "3.3"
        image: vault:1.6.1
        restart: always
        command: [ 'vault', 'server', '-dev', '-dev-listen-address=']
        VAULT_DEV_ROOT_TOKEN_ID: "some-root-token"
        - "8200:8200"
        - IPC_LOCK
        driver: bridge
            - subnet:

    Executing this with:

    docker-compose up -d

    We finally have a result!

    [+] Running 6/6
    - vault Pulled                              13.1s
    - 21c83c524219 Pull complete                5.2s
    - 2552eed26cd4 Pull complete                5.3s
    - b6096191328a Pull complete                7.2s
    - 63cf312915ed Pull complete                7.3s
    - ba2ada45d14d Pull complete                7.3s
    [+] Running 2/2
    - Network vaultpoc_vpcbr      Created       0.9s
    - Container vaultpoc-vault-1  Started       1.3s   

    Browsing to http://localhost:8200 (the port specified in the docker-compose) - the Vault logon screen can be accessed! Using the default root token specified (some-root-token if using the above yml), allowed access into the Vault.

We now had a repeatable container based process which just works!

Vault Configuration

Now that the Vault is up and running, the next step is to configure the Vault, as well as create and configure credentials for our application. At this point there is only one root user configured, which has full access to all areas of the Vault. Using the root credentials might be fine for development purposes, but it is important to understand how the security in Vault works, how the future application will interact with Vault, and how permission are assigned.

Some of the steps below make use of the Vault Command Line Interface (CLI) tool, which should be downloaded. It consists of a single exe which is used to invoke commands against the Vault instance.

As part of using the CLI, it is also recommended to set an environment variables for the vault url - this is not required, but will save time later as the URL will not need to be specified for each CLI command ( specifying -address="http://localhost:8200" on every command):

To set the environment variable in Powershell, execute the following:



Or in Command Prompt, execute the following:


The steps below which use the CLI, will show the PowerShell command, but the Command Prompt commands would be almost identical.

A note: the above will only set the environment variables for the lifetime of the shell session - if closed and reopened, the environment variable will no longer be set and the above commands will need to be run again.

Key-Value Engine

This guide focuses on using the Vault key-value pair functionality to store application secrets - there is however other functionality available, which if required, would need to be enabled as with the key-value pair functionality.

The first step to being able to store key value pairs is to enable the functionality. The following steps will essentially create a path (folder) in the Vault, which will store specific type of information - in this case, a folder called secrets is being created, which will store key-value pairs. A path can be thought of a folder structure within the Vault in which secrets will be stored, with each folder able to have its own permissions.

This step only needs to be performed once, unless specifically deciding that additional root paths are required.

The easiest way to enable the kv-engine (kv) is via the UI (although it can also be done via the CLI):

  • Log into the Vault UI as the root
  • By default, there should be a secret path already visible under the Secrets menu (the default screen once logged in), linked to a kv engine (the description under the name secret will specify "v2 kv_xxx")
    • If there is no secret engine listed, OR if you would like to create another path, click Enable new engine + on the top right-hand corner of the grid
    • Select Generic -> KV (first option) and click Next
    • Specify the Path - this will be the name under which all the key-value pairs will be stored. It can be anything, but should be something which makes sense to your usage (secrets, settings etc) and click Enable Engine

Step 1 done! - secrets engine enabled!


The next step is to add a test secret (key/value pair) to secret area (the secret path, or if a different path was manually in the above step, which name was specified there)

For the next few steps, we'll switch to PowerShell - first a login needs to be performed:

vault login

Type in the root token once prompted, and you should have success (if the address environment variable was not configured, you may need to that as a parameter as well):

Key                  Value
---                  -----
token                some-root-token
token_accessor       D8XSBVu53WTDDktgjYGdOdDg
token_duration       ∞
token_renewable      false
token_policies       ["root"]
identity_policies    []
policies             ["root"]

Now to create the key-value pair:

vault kv put secret/firstapp secretkey=mypassword

This is instructing the CLI to:

  • Create/update a secret at the path secret/firstapp (This will be the folder and subfolder where the secrets specific to this application will be stored)
  • With a key of secretkey
  • And a value of mypassword

Browsing to the Vault UI, there should now see a path (folder) under secret called firstapp which contains one secret, with the key secretkey.

This can also be verified using the CLI, by executing:

vault kv get secret/firstapp

The output:

====== Data ======
Key          Value
---          -----
secretkey    mypassword

The standard used by this guide, is that each separate application will have its own path under secret (e.g. secret/appname), with each path with its own permissions. If configuring secrets for another application, then the above can be executed again, replacing "firstapp" with the new application's name.

Step 2 done! - secret created successfully!


Next up is enabling the approle functionality - this will only need to be performed once on the Vault instance.

The approle auth method is designed to allow machines or applications to authenticate to the Vault using a roleId and secretId. This step effectively just turns on this functionality in the Vault.

To enable approle execute the following command in PowerShell:

vault auth enable approle

The successful response:

Success! Enabled approle auth method at: approle/

If the approle auth method has already been enabled, the following will be the response:

Error enabling approle auth: Error making API request.

Code: 400. Errors:

* path is already in use at approle/

Step 3 done! - Approle functionality enabled!


Permission to a specific path are controlled with a policy. The policy is configured, and then attached to one or more roles (roles are created in the next step), which allows an application authenticating with a specific roleId and secretId to have specifically controlled access to one or more paths.

First create a policy file (this can be used as a template for future applications), named app-policy.hcl (although the name itself is not import):

# Login with AppRole 
path "auth/approle/login" {
  capabilities =  [ "create", "read" ]

# Read data from secret/firstapp
path "secret/data/firstapp" {
  capabilities =  [ "read" ]

This policy file allows:

  • create and read permissions on the auth/approle/login path. Effectively if an approle is assigned this policy, it can login
  • read permissions on the secret/data/firstapp path. The user entity assigned this policy can only read the key-value pairs only on that specific path

Now that we have a policy defined (in a file), it needs to be created in the Vault. Cchanging the file path to wherever the policy files is stored, execute:

vault policy write firstapp-policy c:\app-policy.hcl

This creates a new policy called firstapp-policy, using the contents of the app-policy.hcl file.

Step 4 done! - Policy create!

Role (with policy)

Finally, its time to create the role (the application user), with the above defined policy assigned to it:

vault write auth/approle/role/firstapp-role policies="firstapp-policy"

This command creates a new role called firstapp-role, and assigns it the policy called firstapp-policy.

Even though the role is now created, we have no information about it (yet). What is the role-Id (name) and secret-Id (password)?

  • Let's retrieve the role-Id for the role:

    vault read auth/approle/role/firstapp-role/role-id

    And role-Id should be returned:

    Key        Value
    ---        -----
    role_id    cb476d64-4614-1038-0dd5-b344700f3f3a
  • And then the secret-Id for the role (notice the addition of the -f parameter):

    vault write -f auth/approle/role/firstapp-role/secret-id

    And secret-Id should be returned:

    Key                   Value
    ---                   -----
    secret_id             5c1587dc-83b0-fe15-cc8e-196e6b777150
    secret_id_accessor    256b2ca7-5bce-3ce7-45b3-ceccc53fc6a3

Lastly, we can test the new credentials by using them to log in via the CLI:

vault write auth/approle/login role_id=cb476d64-4614-1038-0dd5-b344700f3f3a secret_id=5c1587dc-83b0-fe15-cc8e-196e6b777150

Receiving back a token along with other role information:

Key                     Value
---                     -----
token                   s.NWPZT9b6KuoakFfO9R9OZgPO
token_accessor          rl4mmRW0dDvvpevDlYjnkjKO
token_duration          768h
token_renewable         true
token_policies          ["default" "firstapp-policy"]
identity_policies       []
policies                ["default" "firstapp-policy"]
token_meta_role_name    firstapp-role

The token can be used to log into the UI to confirm what the application will be able to see. If you try to browse to the secret path, you may get a Not Authorized message - this is because the policy linked to the application role, does not have permission to see a list of the folders under secret. If you browse directly to http://localhost:8200/ui/vault/secrets/secret/show/firstapp however, you should see the list of secrets on that specific path - which the policy does allow.

Step 5 done! - Role successfully created! (with roleId and secretId)

Configuration wrap-up

We have now successfully configured the Vault instance with all the functionality we need for basic integration. We also looked at creating a policy and creating and linking an app role to policy.

Next up, we'll look at some C# code, using VaultSharp to integrate with the Vault.


VaultSharp describes itself as the most comprehensive cross-platform .NET Library for HashiCorp's Vault, and simplifies the integration into HashiCorp Vault when using .NET.

For most operations performed on the Vault via code, VaultSharp is the easiest way, however there are some operations which I was unable to do using VaultSharp, in which case the integration needs to be handled manually (see the next section onthe REST api).

For the below samples, a NuGet package reference to VaultSharp was added to a C# project.

Reading secrets

Now that we finally have a correctly setup and configured Vault, with credentials for our application, we can finally try to connect via C# code.

Once the Vault is configured, connecting and interacting with it via C# code is very easy:

// Use the roleId and secretId generated
IAuthMethodInfo authMethod = new AppRoleAuthMethodInfo(

var vaultClientSettings = 
    new VaultClientSettings("", authMethod);

IVaultClient vaultClient = new VaultClient(vaultClientSettings);

    // the "mountPoint" is the root path
    // the "path" is the rest of the path
    Secret<SecretData> secrets = await vaultClient
            path: "firstapp", mountPoint: "secret");

    // access all the key-value pairs
    foreach(var item in secrets.Data.Data)
        Console.WriteLine($"key:'{item.Key}' value:'{item.Value}'");
catch (Exception ex)
    // try-catch just here for now to help 
    // debug any connection issues
    _ = ex;

Going through the official VaultSharp documentation, it wasn't immediately obvious what the values of path and mountPoint should be:

  • mountPoint: is the root path to read from, secret in our case. If a key-value pair engine was added with a different name when configuring Vault in the previous steps, then this would be that value
  • path: this is the path, excluding the root, from which the key-value pairs are retrieved. This allows for fine control over which path (or folder) to read the secrets from

The output from executing the above:

key:'secretkey' value:'mypassword'

Writing secrets

As it stands, permission denied error will occur if trying to write a secret - this is because our application role is linked to the firstapp-policy, which only has read permissions to the firstapp path.

So to be able to create secrets using the approle credentials, the policy linked to it need to be updated. This can be done either:

  • In the Vault user interface, by logging in as the root user, browsing to Policies -> firstapp-policy -> Edit policy and editing the policy directly
  • Or by updating the policy file, then executing the following command again to write the update policy to the Vault (updating the existing one):
    vault policy write firstapp-policy C:\app-policy.hcl

Whether using the Vault UI or editing the file, the update permissions needs to be added to the policy capabilities, and the policy should look as follows:

# Login with AppRole 
path "auth/approle/login" {
  capabilities =  [ "create", "read" ]

# Read data from secret/firstapp
path "secret/data/firstapp" {
  capabilities =  [ "read", "update" ]

With the policy updated, the role now has permissions to create/write secrets:

IAuthMethodInfo authMethod = new AppRoleAuthMethodInfo(

var vaultClientSettings = 
    new VaultClientSettings("", authMethod);

IVaultClient vaultClient = new VaultClient(vaultClientSettings);

    var newSecrets = new Dictionary<string, object>
        ["DbPassword"] = "password123"

    // Patch method called
    await vaultClient.V1.Secrets.KeyValue.V2.PatchSecretAsync(
        path: "firstapp", newSecrets, mountPoint: "secret");
catch (Exception ex)
    _ = ex;

Quirks and tips

These are a few quirks I've encountered working with Vault and VaultSharp, which was not obvious while initially getting the two to integrate:

  • Policy path vs Code path: Its not immediately obvious when going through documentation, but in the policy data (or metadata) is added to the path, for example, secret/data/firstapp:

    path "secret/data/firstapp" {
        capabilities =  [ "read", "update" ]

    However when using VaultSharp, or the CLI to retrieve secrets, the data portion is dropped:

    • Using CLI:

          vault kv get secret/firstapp
    • Using VaultSharp:

          await vaultClient.V1.Secrets.KeyValue.V2.ReadSecretAsync(
              path: "firstapp", mountPoint: "secret");
  • Write secret vs Patch secret: In Vault, when changing the secrets in a path (folder), a new version of the path is created with the updated version of the secrets.
    When writing or using put to create a secret, all previous secrets will be lost and a new version of the path created, with just the new secret.
    However when patching then all secrets in the current version are brought into the new version, along with any changes.

    • Write/Put: Existing secrets are lost in the new version:

      In PowerShell:

      vault kv put secret/firstapp newkey=mynewpassword

      And in C# code:

      var newSecrets = new Dictionary<string, object>
          ["newkey"] = "mynewpassword"
      // WriteSecretAsync is used here, vs PatchSecretAsync
      await vaultClient.V1.Secrets.KeyValue.V2.WriteSecretAsync(
          path: "firstapp", newSecrets, mountPoint: "secret");
    • Patch: Existing secrets are brought into the new version:

      In PowerShell:

      vault kv patch secret/firstapp newkey=mynewpassword

      And in C# code:

      var newSecrets = new Dictionary<string, object>
          ["newkey"] = "mynewpassword"
      // PatchSecretAsync is used here, vs WriteSecretAsync
      await vaultClient.V1.Secrets.KeyValue.V2.PatchSecretAsync(
          path: "firstapp", newSecrets, mountPoint: "secret");

Rest API

In certain cases, VaultSharp does not provide functionality available via the Vault CLI (or at least, I was not able to find it amongst the VaultSharp code or documentation) - in these cases an alternative option has to be used. Luckily, Vault exposes all it's functionality via a REST api (which is what the CLI actually uses as well). This means any functionality available from the CLI can be reproduced in code by doing an HTTP call.

An example of a call which VaultSharp does not (at the time of writing this post) support, is the ability to create an app role though code. This is possible via the CLI, as it was done in previous steps:

vault write auth/approle/role/firstapp-role policies="firstapp-policy"

If we want to be able to perform this functionality vai code, it'll have to be via an HTTP call. Let's write some C# code to setup the permission for a new application. It will:

  • Create a policy for a new application (using VaultSharp)
  • Create an approle for a new application (using the REST API)
  • Get the roleId for the newly created role (using the REST API)

Policy creation

VaultSharp does have functionality to create policies, so VaultSharp can be leveraged for this step:

// use the root token (or preferably another token which has permissions)
IAuthMethodInfo authMethod = new TokenAuthMethodInfo(config.Token);
var vaultClientSettings = new VaultClientSettings(config.Url, authMethod);

IVaultClient vaultClient = new VaultClient(vaultClientSettings);

// specify the application name
var applicationName = "newapplication";
// define the policy as a string
string appPolicy = @"
    # Login with AppRole 
    path ""auth/approle/login"" {{
    capabilities =  [""create"", ""read""]

    # Read test data (v2)
    path ""secret/data/{0}"" {{
    capabilities =  [""read""]

    // define the policy. 
    var policy = new ACLPolicy
        Name = String.Format($"{applicationName}-policy", applicationName),
        Policy = String.Format(appPolicy, applicationName)

    // create the policy
    await vaultClient.V1.System.WriteACLPolicyAsync(policy);

Here a different IAuthMethodInfo implementation is used vs the previous examples - this is because this operation is being performed by the root user (or preferably another "admin" user/token with similar permissions). Apart from that, the usage of the VaultSharp library remains the same.

Step 1 done! - Policy created successfully!

Now that we have a policy, let's look at using HttpClient to call the REST api to create an approle.

Approle creation

Invoking the REST api methods is similar to using the CLI, so the CLI command can be used as a template for the HTTP call:

vault write auth/approle/role/firstapp-role policies="firstapp-policy"

Translating this into C#:

// specify the application name
var applicationName = "newapplication";

// Ideally getting the client is done via the HttpClientFactory
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:8200");

// this is the same path as used in the CLI, just with v1 pre-pended
HttpRequestMessage requestMessage = new(
    HttpMethod.Post, $"v1/auth/approle/role/{applicationName}-role");

// add the token as a header to the request
requestMessage.Headers.Add("X-Vault-Token", "some-root-token");

// set the contents of the request in json representation of the same
// params passed in the CLI
requestMessage.Content = new StringContent(
    $"{{\"policies\": \"{applicationName}-policy\"}}", 
    Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
// send the request!
var response = await httpClient.SendAsync(requestMessage);

Step 2 done! - Approle created successfully!

Assuming no errors have occurred, the approle is now created - we just need to lookup the roleId and secretId.

RoleId lookup

Performing the roleId follows very similar steps to the approle creation.

For reference, the powershell to perform this action:

vault read auth/approle/role/firstapp-role/role-id

And converting this into C# code:

// specify the application name
var applicationName = "newapplication";

// Ideally getting the client is done via the HttpClientFactory
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:8200");

// this is the same path as used in the CLI, just with v1 pre-pended
HttpRequestMessage requestMessage = 
    new(HttpMethod.Get, $"v1/auth/approle/role/{applicationName}-role/role-id");
// add the token as a header to the request
requestMessage.Headers.Add("X-Vault-Token", "some-root-token");

// send the request!
var response = await httpClient.SendAsync(requestMessage);

if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
    throw new HttpRequestException(
        $"Error getting role id: {response.ReasonPhrase}", 

var roleResponse = await response.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<GetRoleIdResponse>();

The GetRoleIdResponse entity is a custom class which is defined as follows:

public class GetRoleIdResponse
    public GetRoleDataResponse data { get; set; }

public class GetRoleDataResponse
    public Guid role_id { get; set; }

Step 3 done! - RoleId retrieved successfully!

The same process can be applied to lookup the secretId, as well as execute any other Vault CLI command.

In summary

In this post we had a look at how to do the following:

  • Successfully running an instance of the HashiCorp vault using
    • The Windows binary
    • A Docker image
  • The Vault configuration steps required to be able to connect with an app level roleId and secretId:
    • Enabling the key-value pair engine
    • Creating a path to hold secrets
    • Enabling the approle authentication method
    • Creating a policy
    • Creating a role and linking a policy to it
  • Using VaultSharp to read secrets from, and write secrets to the Vault
  • Using the Vault Rest API to perform functionality comparable to the Vault CLI (especially for use cases not covered by VaultSharp)

The hope is this guide will help others not have to go through some of the struggles I encountered while integrating with, and exploring the HashiCorp Vault functionality for the first time.


HashiCorp Vault
HashiCorp Vault Download
Docker Desktop
Vault on DockerHub
HashiCorp Vault C# client with .NET Core Guide
HashiCorp Vault Guide repository

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