Accurate string length

String.Length for inaccurate string length and how to get the correct length

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String.Length does not always return a "true" accurate length of the string - instead, the StringInfo.LengthInTextElements method should be used.

String Length

Generally, for most common string usage, the String.Length will return the correct length of the string - the number of characters in the string object. However, the number of characters in the string object does not always correspond to the number of characters which reflect on the screen.

For example:

Console.Write("This string '👍' has the length of: ");

The output of the above is:

This string '??' has the length of: 2

The terminal window is unable to render the 👍 emoji, so it is reflected as '??' - but this also gives insight into its length (two question marks, and no one). Even though 👍 reflects as one character when output, it actually consists of two characters in the string object.

StringInfo LengthInTextElements

To get a more accurate string length, the StringInfo.LengthInTextElements property can be used:

Console.Write("This string '👍' has the true length of: ");
Console.WriteLine(new StringInfo("👍").LengthInTextElements);

The output of the above is:

This string '??' has the length of: 1

The LengthInTextElements property will return the number of text elements displayed in the terminal.


If the length of the string is required for display purposes, and the string could contain "non-traditional" characters, such as emoji's - then the StringInfo.LengthInTextElements property should be used for more accurate results.


Getting the printable length of a string or character

Daily Drop 237: 18-01-2023

At the start of 2022 I set myself the goal of learning one new coding related piece of knowledge a day.
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c# .net string length