Correlation using the Activity class

Using the Activity class to correlate requests across distributed systems

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When working with distributed systems, the built in Activity class can be used to automatically correlate requests across the various systems.

For each unique request to an api (for example) a new activity root id is generated. If however, the specific api makes a call into another api, the activity root id is persisted across the http call, allowing the two calls to be linked together and related together when querying or reporting on the data.

Single endpoint

First, we'll look at how to get access to the activity id. To do this we generate a simple minimal endpoint:

app.MapGet("/endpoint1", (IHttpClientFactory httpFactory) =>
    // Output the root Id, and the current Id
     Console.WriteLine($"Root Id: {Activity.Current.RootId} | " +
        $"Id: {Activity.Current.Id}");

Here the static Activity class is used, to access the Current activity, and output the Root Id as well as the Id.

Calling the endpoint a few times, results in the following:

Root Id: 319d4ff500ce3100c2a3017531e023e4 | Id: 00-319d4ff500ce3100c2a3017531e023e4-e4c21e8cfae4db47-00
Root Id: 7de97ec9692106503aaabab105951bdf | Id: 00-7de97ec9692106503aaabab105951bdf-fa3c7b807eda8800-00
Root Id: e1868729b9f3db8c40942ffb1daf24c9 | Id: 00-e1868729b9f3db8c40942ffb1daf24c9-79de739f0d38d58c-00

Each time the endpoint is invoked, and new Root Id and Id is generated, with the Id containing the Root Id.

Multiple endpoints

Next, we define a second endpoint - for this example the second endpoint is defined in the same project as the first endpoint, but the exact same behavior would be experienced if the endpoint was contained in a separate application.

This second endpoint will return it's Root Id and Id as a string:

app.MapGet("/endpoint2", () =>
    return $"Second Root Id: {Activity.Current.RootId} | " +
        $"Second Id: {Activity.Current.Id}";

Then we update the first endpoint to call the second endpoint:

app.MapGet("/endpoint1", async (IHttpClientFactory httpFactory) =>
        Console.WriteLine($"Root Id: {Activity.Current.RootId} | " +
        $"Id: {Activity.Current.Id}");

    // call the second endpoint
    var client = httpFactory.CreateClient();
    client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:5065");
    var response = await client.GetAsync("endpoint2");

    // output the response (which contains the Id's)
    // from the second endpoint
    Console.WriteLine(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());


Now, when the first endpoint is called, we see the following (formatted to make it easier to compare):

Root Id:        8f1e949168197f1185135e963eab68bc | Unit Id:   00-8f1e949168197f1185135e963eab68bc-2adc30476d372b95-00
Second Root Id: 8f1e949168197f1185135e963eab68bc | Second Id: 00-8f1e949168197f1185135e963eab68bc-d18ddb27c96b1a1b-00
Root Id:        2b39afb72f3773289d8d141b2ef030d4 | Unit Id:   00-2b39afb72f3773289d8d141b2ef030d4-77be0c303ee8028a-00
Second Root Id: 2b39afb72f3773289d8d141b2ef030d4 | Second Id: 00-2b39afb72f3773289d8d141b2ef030d4-66e8aa928caf5619-00
Root Id:        46d2eedeacdfe46a89888598886a5186 | Unit Id:   00-46d2eedeacdfe46a89888598886a5186-f7e42f6b6d868069-00
Second Root Id: 46d2eedeacdfe46a89888598886a5186 | Second Id: 00-46d2eedeacdfe46a89888598886a5186-1af4f5b27e45f9f7-00

As you can see, the root id is the same across the http call, even though it is being returned from a separate endpoint in another service. The Unit Id portion of the Id changes though, indicating a smaller unit of work is being performed as part of the larger root piece of work.

Child activity

We've seen how the the Root Id is shared across http calls - now we look at how to get the same functionality when performing smaller units of work not involving http calls.

Once again we update first endpoint, this time to start a child activity:

app.MapGet("/endpoint1", async (IHttpClientFactory httpFactory) =>
    Console.WriteLine($"Root Id: {Activity.Current.RootId} | " +
        $"Id: {Activity.Current.Id}");

    var client = httpFactory.CreateClient();

    client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:5065");
    var response = await client.GetAsync("endpoint2");
    Console.WriteLine(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
    // start with the child activity
    using var childActivity = new Activity("MessagePublishing");

    // a message is published to a message broker here, with the 
    // Id as metadata/correlationId
    Console.WriteLine($"Child Root Id: {Activity.Current.RootId} | " +
        $"Child Id: {Activity.Current.Id}");



Here a child activity is manually started, and within the scope of the child activity - a message is published to a message broker (for example).

Invoking the endpoint now results in the following:

Root Id:        00a695a71d140a4105750a0cb04d9408 | Id:        00-00a695a71d140a4105750a0cb04d9408-4aba3488957c9a75-00
Second Root Id: 00a695a71d140a4105750a0cb04d9408 | Second Id: 00-00a695a71d140a4105750a0cb04d9408-e29b9eb28fe6d34f-00
Child Root Id:  00a695a71d140a4105750a0cb04d9408 | Child Id:  00-00a695a71d140a4105750a0cb04d9408-2a6e2ad5d7916142-00

From the above, we can see that manually declaring and starting an activity will result in a new Id to be generated, but using the same Root Id as the parent.

Why the need?

So why the need for a Root Id and correlation - all of this is to gain better observability into how an application is performing. This data can be output and collected, either using industry standard tools and formatting (for example OpenTelemetry), or by rolling our one's own reporting database - either way though, this provides insight into how each portion of a larger distributed transaction are linked together, and how each portion is performing.


Distributed systems can become very complex, and observability is key in managing the stability and performance of the various systems - the Activity class provides an easy, simple way to manage the correlation between the various systems and processes.


Activity Class

Daily Drop 159: 13-09-2022

At the start of 2022 I set myself the goal of learning one new coding related piece of knowledge a day.
It could be anything - some.NET / C# functionality I wasn't aware of, a design practice, a cool new coding technique, or just something I find interesting. It could be something I knew at one point but had forgotten, or something completely new, which I may or may never actually use.

The Daily Drop is a record of these pieces of knowledge - writing about and summarizing them helps re-enforce the information for myself, as well as potentially helps others learn something new as well.
c# .net correlation activity distributed