Performant logging with LoggerMessageAttribute

How to leverage LoggerMessageAttribute for a highly performant logging solution

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.NET6 introduced a new attribute called LoggerMessageAttribute, which leverages source generators and is designed to deliver a highly useable and performant logging solution.

It works by using source generators, triggered at compile time by the presence of LoggerMessageAttribute to generate the additional source code. This solution, due to the compile time generation, is able to eliminate performance hits, such as boxing, temporary memory allocation as well as copies which enables it to be typically considerably faster than the existing run time logging methods.


Basic usage

The LoggerMessageAttribute is constrained to be used on a partial method in a partial class.

public static partial class LoggerHelperStatic
    [LoggerMessage(EventId = 0,Level = LogLevel.Critical,Message = 
        "Unable to open a database connection to '{dbServer}' " +
        "after a timeout of {timeoutSeconds} seconds")]
    public static partial void UnableToOpenDbConnection(ILogger logger, 
        string dbServer, int timeoutSeconds);

In the attribute, the information for the log is defined. In the above example, the EventId, LogLevel as well as the Log Message.

Thats all there is to it. This method can now be called from anywhere in code using LoggerHelperStatic.UnableToOpenDbConnection(...).

Even though the method doesn't have a body defined, the presence of the LoggerMessageAttribute will trigger the source generator, which will use the log information defined to generate the required source code for the body.

Extended usage

If the method is static, then an ILogger interface is required to be one of the parameters to the method. The method is not required to be static however, and if not made static the source generator will use an ILogger field within the containing class.

public partial class LoggerHelperInstance
    private readonly ILogger _logger;

    public LoggerHelperInstance(ILogger logger)
        _logger = logger;

   [LoggerMessage(EventId = 0, Level = LogLevel.Critical, Message =
        "Unable to open a database connection to `{dbServer}` " +
        "after a timeout of {timeoutSeconds} seconds")]
    public partial void UnableToOpenDbConnection(string dbServer, 
          int timeoutSeconds);

In the above examples, the log level is also explicitly set to Critical in the LoggerMessageAttribute. Sometimes it may be required that the log level is specified at runtime - in this case the LogLevel can be omitted from the LoggerMessageAttribute definition, and included as a parameter to the method.

[LoggerMessage(EventId = 0, Message =
    "Unable to open the file '{fileName} at location '{fileLocation}'")]
public static partial void UnableToOpenFile(ILogger logger, LogLevel logLevel,
    string fileName, string fileLocation);

How it works

This all works due to a feature introduced in .NET5 - source generators. At compile time, a source generator will look for a specific condition in code, and output additional source code which is added to the original code base.

In the case of LoggerMessageAttribute, the condition is the presence of the attribute which then triggers the source generator to generate the body of the defined method - this is why the class and method are required to be partial.

Below is the generated code for the body of the LoggerHelperInstance => UnableToOpenDbConnection method. It might be a bit of a challenging to read with the formatting, as I've left it in its original generated state.

partial class LoggerHelperInstance 
    [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators", "")]
    private static readonly global::System.Action<global::Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger, global::System.String, global::System.Int32, global::System.Exception?> __UnableToOpenDbConnectionCallback =
        global::Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LoggerMessage.Define<global::System.String, global::System.Int32>(global::Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Critical, new global::Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.EventId(0, nameof(UnableToOpenDbConnection)), "Unable to open a database connection to `{dbServer}` after a timeout of {timeoutSeconds} seconds", new global::Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogDefineOptions() { SkipEnabledCheck = true }); 

    [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators", "")]
    public partial void UnableToOpenDbConnection(global::System.String dbServer, global::System.Int32 timeoutSeconds)
        if (_logger.IsEnabled(global::Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Critical))
            __UnableToOpenDbConnectionCallback(_logger, dbServer, timeoutSeconds, null);

As one can see, it's not a straightforward wrap of the ILogger.LogCritical method, but instead makes use of the LoggerMessage.Define method with a callback Action.

Performance gains

So why does this method improve on performance?

With the normal traditional ILogger Log method:

// Traditional ILogger.LogCritical call
_logger.LogCritical("Unable to open a database connection to `{dbServer}` " +
    "after a timeout of {timeoutSeconds} seconds", "(local)", 10);

The parameters are passed in as an object?[]:

// The signature of the LogCritical method, part of Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
public static void LogCritical(this ILogger logger, EventId eventId, 
            string? message, params object?[] args)

In the above example, the string value "(local)" and the int value 10 are boxed from their respective values into an object as part of the object[]. They are then unboxed when being used - all of this has a performance overhead.

As the source generator, used in conjunction with LoggerMessageAttribute, can determine the types of the parameters at compile time, it can optimize the code being generated for the individual use case to avoid the need to box and unbox, and also avoid the performance hits that come with it. The same applies to any temporary memory allocation and copying which may be occurring when using the object?[] on the ILogger implementation.


There are however some constraints which must be followed when using LoggerMessageAttribute:

  • Logging methods must be static, partial, and return void.
  • Logging method names must not start with an underscore.
  • Parameter names of logging methods must not start with an underscore.
  • Logging methods may not be defined in a nested type.
  • Logging methods cannot be generic.

All in all though, these constraints are pretty reasonable and make sense when thought about in conjunction with what the source generator is doing.


There is more detailed functionality available with LoggerMessageAttribute, which is outlined in the reference link below - however the above should be a great starting point to using LoggerMessageAttribute and optimizing logging in your application.


Compile-time logging source generation

Daily Drop 07: 09-02-2022

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c# .net logging sourcegenerator performance attribute